Dear Customer,

Welcome to our Q3 update. We turned 19 years old and to celebrate gave the planet a little gift! Off the back of deploying Katapult to New York and Phoenix we can now offer (nearly all) of our services in 2 US locations. And we also sponsored my old PE teacher as part of his successful round-Britain Paddle Board attempt to raise money for water safety, and he set a couple of world records in the process!

Krystal now does more than just web hosting. lists all our services/software, which includes Onyx (WordPress), Katapult (Public Cloud), Metritool (Website Monitoring) and Sirportly (Helpdesk) as well as the popular CI/CD tools DeployHQ and Codebase. We also have our own VoIP platform, Dial 9, which just won another award! (If you'd like a free trial of any of our services just reply to this email.)

US locations available now!

We can now offer our Shared & Reseller Hosting, VPS and DeployHQ services in both New York and Phoenix. Onyx will be joining that list shortly. If you’ve got North American clients/visitors, placing your site closer to them will improve their experience and SEO. Amsterdam will be online soon with Canada and Singapore planned for next year. Ask us about a free migration/trial.

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Refocusing on our purpose

Krystal was created to be a vehicle for positive change and this quarter we did well. In addition to planting our 1,000,000th tree (satisfying the first step of the “Million Tree Pledge” we co-founded in January), we also committed to offset the entire lifetime carbon footprint of our workforce to celebrate our 19th birthday. Thanks to everyone who joined Ecologi to offset their impact too. There’s always more to do but together we’ll get there.

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Dial 9 wins top award (again!)

Last month, Dial 9, Krystal’s VoIP platform, won the 2021 Comms Council UK award for “Best ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider) - Small Enterprise”. This prestigious award celebrates innovation, best practice and overall business value - exactly what drives the Dial 9 offering. A huge congratulations to the team for their consistent hard work. Talk to us about a free trial.

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That’s it for Q3. Can’t believe it’s October already! Our next quarterly update in January will be a special end-of-year roundup for the whole of 2021 and plans for 2022. As always, if you have any feedback, tips or suggestions on how to improve either these emails or the company just reply to this email.

Thanks for reading,

Simon Blackler - Founder & CEO
Copyright © 2021 Krystal Hosting Ltd, All rights reserved.

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