Dear *|FNAME|*,
I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday.
2015 was Krystal's most exciting and successful year to date, culminating in the acquisition of Blackfoot Hosting Ltd on December 1st. If you are one of our new 2,500 clients from Blackfoot then may I take this opportunity to personally wish you the warmest of welcomes. I hope that you're settling in and finding things to your liking at Krystal.
The Blackfoot merger brought with it 2 new members of support staff, Alex and Joxy, who have already integrated into our support team seamlessly, providing continuity for Blackfoot clients and reduced support times for existing Krystalites. I know you'll make them feel welcome.
We've got a full calendar of improvements lined up for 2016 and we're kicking it off with a much needed upgrade to our backup service.